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    這個動作是持續(xù)發(fā)生 的。What are you doing。Im reading a book.。reading a book。Unit 4What are you doing。n d。d s。e do doing co。I am doing the dishes What are you doing。


    1、Unit Four What Are You Doing?,A Lets learn Lets play Lets sing,(人教PEP)五年級英語下冊,do the dishes,doing the dishes,draw pictures,drawing pictures,現在進行時主要表示現在正在 進行的動作,這個動作是持續(xù)發(fā)生 的。同學們要記住,這個動作是正 在進行中,持續(xù)發(fā)生的動。

    2、UNIT 4 What are you doing?,小學五年級英語,What are you doing?,What are you doing?,Im reading a book.,reading a book,answering the phone,What are you doing?,Im answering the phone.,drawing pictures,What are。

    3、What are you doing?,Unit 4,(人教PEP)五年級英語下冊課件,reading a book,drawing pictures,doing the dishes,watching TV,answering the phone,cooking dinner,reading a book,drawing pictures,cooking dinner,answe。

    4、人教 PEP)五年級英語下 冊 watch TV do homework sweep the floor clean the bedroom water the flowers set the table make the bed cook the meals cook the meals dinner read books read a book do the dishes phone wha。

    5、Unit 4What are you doing? Spell game n , g , i , r , a , w , d, s , a , e , r , n , i , g , w , n d , r , a, e , g , n , i k , o , c , o , g , i , n i , g , o , n , d s , h , i , d , s , e do doing co。

    6、What are you doing? Unit4 執(zhí)教人 :陳允娟 人教 PEP五年級下冊英語 I am drawing pictures What are you doing? I am cooking dinner Whar are you doing? I am doing the dishes What are you doing? reading a book answering。

    7、人教 PEP五年級英語下冊課件 Magic eyes Read and act as quickly as you can. Game 1 (魔力眼 ) draw writeread drinkeat jumprunswimfly water the flowers wash the clothes set the tableclean the bedroom sweep the floor e。

    8、Unit 4 What are you doing? flyflying jumpjumping walkwalking climbclimbing drawdrawing cookcooking readreading answeranswering listenlistening cleancleaning sitsitting runrun。

    9、Unit 4 What are you doing Lets chant What are you doing? What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. What are you doing? I am drawing pictures. What are you doing? I am reading a book. What are yo。

    10、Lets do Q1:What is Zhang Peng doing Q2:What is John doing Where do they want to go What time A. The Childrens Center. 1。

    11、Chant Zhang Peng is drawing drawing pictures. Mike is reading ,reading reading a book. Sarah is answering, answering an。

    12、What are they doing Match and say. My Family Album I am . My father is . My mother is . My grandma is . oo ou tr tw coo。

    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》Part A PPT課件.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之六.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之九.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之七.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之十一.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之五.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之一.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之十.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之二.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之八.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之四.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下《unit 4 what are you doing》PPT課件之三.ppt
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 1 This Is My Day part A PPT課件
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite Season PPT課件之八
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonPPT課件之一
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonPPT課件之四
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 3 My BirthdayPart APPT課件之二
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonPPT課件之五
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonPPT課件之三
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 3 My BirthdayPPT課件之二
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 5 look at the monkeysPPT課件之三
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 5 look at the monkeysPPT課件之二
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之五
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 5 look at the monkeysPPT課件之一
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite Season 第一課 PPT課件
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 1 This Is My DayPPT課件之一
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 1 This Is My DayPPT課件之五
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite SeasonPPT課件之二
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之八
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之七
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之二
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之一
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之九
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之六
    人教PEP版英語五下Unit 2 My Favourite Season PPT課件之七
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 6 a field tripPrat B Read and write PPT課件
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之十一
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之三
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 4 what are you doingPPT課件之四
    人教PEP版英語五下unit 5 look at the monkeysB Let’s Learn PPT課件
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