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    2019年(秋)六年級科學上冊 3.6《人類對地表變化的影響》教案 湘教版.doc

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    2019年(秋)六年級科學上冊 3.6《人類對地表變化的影響》教案 湘教版.doc

    2019年(秋)六年級科學上冊 3.6人類對地表變化的影響教案 湘教版教學目標科學探究1、通過對圍湖造田的利弊分析,培養(yǎng)學生綜合分析的能力。2、繼續(xù)提高學生搜集資料的能力。情感態(tài)度與價值觀1、意識到人類對地表變化的影響有利有弊,提高對這一問題的關注度和敏感性。2、意識到人類必須遵循自然規(guī)律改變地表,才能實現(xiàn)人與自然的和諧相處。科學知識1、了解人類活動對地表改變的影響。2、了解圍湖造田的利弊。教學準備課前布置學生收集因人類活動造成地表改變、水土流失的典型事例。教學重點指導學生通過收集和整理資料、召開辯論會等方式來探究“人類活動隊地表的影響”的問題。教學難點人類那些改造地表的活動是對人類有利的,哪些是不利的教學內容一、教學導入1、提問:在改變地表形態(tài)的各種力量中,除了各種自然力量外,還有人為的力量,請大家列舉人類的哪些活動在不斷改變著地表形態(tài)?2、學生回答。3、過渡:人類的活動只是改變了地表形態(tài)嗎?有沒有其它的影響?二、閱讀指南車信箱1、指導學生閱讀教材指南車信箱提供的資料。2、組織學生課前搜集的資料傳閱、交流。3、宣讀介紹人類改變地表的典型事例,或者相互交換、傳閱搜集到的資料。4、明白:人類活動是一種特殊的外力作用。因為隨著工農業(yè)和科學技術飛速發(fā)展,人類活動的深度和廣度與日俱增。對地表形態(tài)的影響是十分可觀的。如我國勞動人民根據(jù)自然規(guī)律和社會需要,長期的經濟活動塑造了許多地表形態(tài)特征非常明顯的人工地貌梯田、桑基魚塘、黃土淤泥壩、圍海造田等。世界上不少大城市如墨西哥、東京、大頤、上海等,由于長期過量開采地下水而產生地面沉降,上海市至1965年累計沉降達2.6米;有人統(tǒng)計至1965年,地球大陸面積的8%已為各類工程所覆蓋,xx年面積將擴大近一倍;還有在礦產開采、農業(yè)生產、軍事活動和其他工程建設中,創(chuàng)造出許多新的地貌形態(tài)。(人類活動對地表形態(tài)的改變也具有雙重性,一是創(chuàng)造性地合理利用或改造惡劣環(huán)境;另一則是破壞性地引起災害的發(fā)生。)我們要合理利用和保護環(huán)境。三、活動圍湖造田的利與弊1、識湖泊灘地的地形優(yōu)勢,人們擇地而居,在那里開墾種植,歷史悠久。2、介紹新中國成立后人們對糧食的需要造成了大規(guī)模的圍湖造田,以洞庭湖為例,出示洞庭湖面積變化歷史表。3、學生展開分析討論:湖面變化呈什么趨勢?(學生通過數(shù)據(jù)不難發(fā)現(xiàn)洞庭湖的湖面在不斷縮小的趨勢。)大規(guī)模圍湖造田會造成什么后果?(給學生講述xx年長江中游夏季的大洪災災情及原因,提示學生利用已有的知識來分析可能造成的后果,如湖面變小對湖中生物的影響,對氣候的影響,對蓄水的影響等等,推進學生的深入思考。)4、全班交流。5、匯報交流,提升認識:人與自然要和諧相處的重要。附送:2019年(秋)六年級英語上冊 Unit1 How can I get there教學設計1 (新版)人教PEP教學內容:Unit 1 Part A Lets learn make a map and talk教學目標:1、Can listen, read, write and say the words: science museum, post office, cinema, hospital, bookstore, library and can use “next to、near、behind, in front of ” to say where the place is.2. Can listen, read and say these sentences: Where is the ?its next to the . There is a 3、Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstance according to “l(fā)ets learn”and “make a map and talk” 教學重點:Can listen, read, write and say the words: science museum, post office, cinema, hospital, bookstore, library and can use “next to、near、behind, in front of ” to say where the place is.教學難點:Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstance according to “l(fā)ets learn and make a map and talk” 教具準備: Tape,pictures教學過程:Step 1: warm-up1.Enjoy a song: Where is the hospital?2.Look at the pictures and say the placese.g. school There is a school. teachers office There is a teachers office in my school.3. Talk about the places,review the words : near, behind, in front of (教師通過學生上面所說的地點一一呈現(xiàn)在黑板上并作為學校位置圖)S1: Where is the canteen?S2:Its near the playground.Step2: Presentation1. Guess: what places are they? Teach: science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital.(1) Teach: science museum.T: Look, many robots. This is not a school. This is a place where we can play with robots. What is it? Its a museum. Ss learn to read and spell the words: museumT: This is a science museum. Ss learn to read and spell: science museum.T&Ss: Go to the science museum. Play with robots.(2) Teach: bookstoreT: Go to the library. Ss: Read a book.T: I want to read a book and buy a book. Can I go to the library?Ss: No, you cant. you can go to theT: Yeah. Bookstore. Ss learn to read and spell the word: bookstore.T&Ss: Go to the bookstore. Buy some books.(3) Guess: Whats the next one? Review the words: school, science museum, library, bookstore, teachers office and teach: post officeT: This is teachers office and that is the .T&Ss: post office. Ss learn to read and spell the wordT draws a card and a letter and post office to tell the students: we can go to the post office to post a card and post a letter.Ss learn to say: Go to the post office, post a letter. Go to the post office, post a card.(4) Teach: cinemaT: Can we post a letter here? Ss: No, we cant. its not the post office.T: Yeah, its a cinema.cinema cinema Ss learn to read and spellGo to the cinema. See a film.Where is the cinema?Ss: Its next to the science museum.T: Yeah, its behind the hospital, too.(5) Teach: hospitalHos-pi-tal hospital. T: Go to the hospital, we can see a doctor.Ss learn to say: go to the hospital. See a doctor.2.listen to the tape, read on P53.Lets say and chant(review the words we learnt)T: I want to post a letter. Ss: post officeT: I want to see a doctor. Ss: hospital.T: I want to buy some books. Ss: bookstore.T: I want to see a film. Ss: cinemaT: I want to play with robots. Ss: science museum.Chant:Go to the post office. Post a letter.Go to the hospital. See a doctor.Go to the bookstore. Buy some books.Go to the cinema. See a film.Go to the science museum. Play with robots.Step 3 : Consolidation1. Lets look and say(Look at the map and say): There is a in my city.2. Lets talk: Where is the ? Its near/ next to / behind/ in front of T: Where is the post office? S1: Its next to the Ss work in pairs, talk about it.2. Do workbook.Step 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and copy the words four times.2. Read the text , draw a map and make a dialogue with the partnerBlackboard:Unit1 How can I get there ?Where is the ?Its next to/ near/ behind/ in front of.教學反思:第2課時教學內容:Unit 1 Part A Lets try Lets talk教學目標:1. Can understand and say the sentences: Where is the ? Its next to/ near / behind / in front of2. Can use the new words and sentences to talk about where the place is.3. Can understand and say the words and sentences: postcard, send, a talking robot. Ill ask. I want to buy .4. Can understand the contents about lets try.教學重點:1. Can understand and say the sentences: Where is the ? Its next to/ near / behind / in front of2. Can use the new words and sentences to talk about where the place is.教學難點:1. Can use the new words and sentences to talk about where the place is.2. Can understand and say the words and sentences: postcard, send, a talking robot. Ill ask. I want to buy .教具準備: Tape,pictures cards, map教學過程:Step 1: warm-up1. Enjoy a song: Where is the hospital? 2. Lets guess( Review the words)T: I want to post a letter. Ss: post officeT: I want to see a doctor. Ss: hospital.T: I want to buy some books. Ss: bookstore.T: I want to see a film. Ss: cinemaT: I want to play with robots. Ss: science museum.3. Lets chant. Go to the post office. Post a letter.Go to the hospital. See a doctor.Go to the bookstore. Buy some books.Go to the cinema. See a film.Go to the science museum. Play with robots.4. Design a cityS1: There is a in my city. (T writes on the BB) S2: There is a in my city. T: Where is it? S2: Its next to / near / in front of / behindStep2: Presentation1Teach: a talking robotT: Look, who is he? Ss: Hes Robin. T: Yeah, Robin is a robot. Ss read: robotT: What can he do? Lets ask him.Ss: What can you do, robot?R: I can talk.T: Yeah, its a talking robot. Ss read: talking, talking, a talking robot. Ss act a talking robot. 2Teach: museum shop. post card , I want to buy a T: Where is the talking robot? Ss: Hes in the museum shop. Ss read: museum shopT: What can you do in the museum shop?S1: I can buy things. T: What do you want to buy?S1: I want to buy a book./.T: What about this? I want to buy it.Ss learn to read: post card.3Talking about your designed city.(1)T puts the museum shop on the map: Look, Where is the museum shop? Lets talk about it.(2) Ss talk the places in pairs.(3) Test your eyes.(Ss look at the map, then T puts away the map. )T: Where is the cinema? S1: Its next to the .4. Finish Lets try. Pay attention to: Is grandpa there? (buy some gifts for grandpa)5. Teach: Lets talk(1)T: a talking robot and Wu Yifan are in the museum shop? Lets listen and answer the questions.A. Where is the museum shop? B. Where is the post office?(2)Listen and read the text, pay attention to: Ill ask. What a great museum!(3) Work in pairs and read the dialogue. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonationStep 3 : Consolidation1. Work in pairs, design your city.S1: Is there a cinema in your city?S2: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.S1: Where is it?S2: Its next to/ near / in front of/ behind the2. Do workbookStep 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue 2. Read the text , draw a picture and make a dialogue with the partner3. Copy the sentences: Where is the museum shop? Its near the door. Where is the post office? Its next to the museum.Blackboard:Unit1 How can I get there ?cinemapost officescience museumhospitalbookstorelibrarymuseum shopschoolpark zooWhere is the ? Its next to/ near/ behind/ in front of.教學反思:第3課時教學內容:Unit 1 Part B Lets learn & Be a tour guide教學目標:1、Can listen, read, write and say the words: crossing, turn left, turn right, go straight.2. Can listen, read and say these sentences and words: Where is the ? Turn left / right Italian restaurant.3、Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstance according to “l(fā)ets learn”and “Be a tour guide” 教學重點:1、Can listen, read, write and say the words: crossing, turn left, turn right, go straight.2. Can listen, read and say these sentences and words: Where is the ? Turn left / right Italian restaurant教學難點:Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstance according to “l(fā)ets learn”and “Be a tour guide” 教具準備: Tape,pictures教學過程:Step 1: warm-up1. Enjoy a song: Where is the hospital? 2. Lets guess( Ss read the sentences and review the words)S1: I want to post a letter. Ss: post officeS2: I want to see a doctor. Ss: hospital.S3: I want to buy some books. Ss: bookstore.S4: I want to see a film. Ss: cinemaS5: I want to play with robots. Ss: science museum.S6: I want to fly a kite. Ss: parkS7: I want to buy a post card. Ss: museum shop.Step2: Presentation1. Teach: Italian restaurant(1) T shows the picture: pizzaT: What is it? Its a pizza.T: Where can we eat pizza? Ss: In the restaurant. T: What kind of restaurant? Ss : Chinese restaurant. / English restaurant.T: Yeah, we also can eat in the Italian restaurant.Ss learn to read Italian restaurant.(2) Where is the Italian restaurant? Where do you want to put?S1: I want to put it near/ next to/ behind/ in front of the 2. Teach: turn right, turn left, go straight.(1)T: Look, this is the map of Italian restaurant. How can I get there?Ss: go T draws the line and say: Yeah, go straight.Ss read , spell and do it: go straight. Pay attention to “ ai ”(2) T: Go straight, Go straight, Can we get there?Ss: No. T: Turn left. Pay attention to the pronunciation of “ur ” “e”Ss read,spell and do it: turn left.T: Yeah, turn left at the cinema. Ss learn to say the sentences.(3) T: Turn left at the cinema, then?Ss: go straight. T: Yeah. And go straight? Ss: no, turn right at the park.T: Yes, turn right. Ss learn to read, spell and do: turn right.(4) review the 3 phrasesT: How can we get there?Ss learn to say: Go straight, turn left at the cinema. Go straight. Turn right at the park.3. Teach: crossing T: Whats this? Its a crossing. At the crossing. We can go straight, turn right and turn left.Ss learn to read: crossing. Ss learn to say: turn left at the crossing. Turn right at the crossing. Go straight at the crossing.4. Lets listen and read these words.5. Lets chant and do.Go, go, go straight. Turn, turn, turn left. crossing, crossing, turn left at the crossing.Go, go, go straight. Turn, turn, turn right. crossing, crossing, turn right at the crossing.Step 3 : ConsolidationBe a tour guide(1)T shows the map of Beijing: Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for oliver in Beijing. Can you help her? You can say like this: Now we are in front of Tianan men. Go straight and you can see the Palace museum.Ss learn to say:(2) T shows a map, and let Ss to be a tour guide.T: If I am the new here. Can you be a tour guide for me?Step 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read and spell the words .2. Copy the new words 4 times.3. To be a tour guide to go to the Haiyan museum from our school.Blackboard:Unit1 How can I get there?教學反思:第4課時教學內容:Unit 1 Part B Lets try & Lets talk教學目標:1. Can understand and say the sentences: How can we get there? Turn at the .2. Can use the new words and sentences to talk about where the place is.3. Can understand and say the words and sentences: What an interesting film! I know a great Italian restaurant. Pizza, Dongfang street.4. Can understand the contents about lets try.教學重點:1. Can understand and say the sentences: How can we get there? Turn at the .2. Can use the new words and sentences to talk about where the place is.教學難點:Can understand and say the words and sentences: What an interesting film! I know a great Italian restaurant. Dongfang street.教具準備: Tape,pictures教學過程:Step 1: warm-up1. Play a game: listen and do.(review the words: go straight, turn left, turn right) 2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school)3. Lets chant and doGo to the post office. Post a letter.Go to the hospital. See a doctor.Go to the bookstore. Buy some books.Go to the science museum. Play with robots.Go to the cinema. See a film.4. Enjoy a short film about: 訓龍高手2 Step2: Presentation1.Teach: What an interesting film !T: Wow! What an interesting film !Do you like this film? Ss: Yes.T: Its an interesting film. Ss read: an interesting filmT: Where do we see a film? Ss: In the cinema.2.Teach: How can we get there? street (用熱身活動呈現(xiàn)在黑板上的地圖)(1)T:We want to go to the cinema? How can we get there?Ss learn to read: How can we get there?T: Go to the main street. Turn left at the bookstore. Ss learn to say: Go to the main street. Turn left at the bookstore.(2) Ss work in pairs and talk about itS1: We want to see a film. How can we get there?S2: Go to the main street, turn left at the bookstore.(3) Teach: pizza, Italian restaurant,T shows the picture of the pizza: Whats this? Ss: pizza.T: We want to eat pizza. Where do we go? Ss: Go to the Italian restaurant.T: How can we get there? Ss: Go to the Dongfang Street. Turn left at the bookstore.Ss learn to talk like this:S1: We want to eat pizza. How can we get there?S2: Go to the Dongfang Street. Turn left at the bookstore.3. Lets try.T: Wu Yifan is calling Mike. Where do they want to go? Lets listen and answer.4. Teach: Lets talk(1) Wu Yifan and Mike go to the cinema, see a film. And now the film is over. Lets listen and tickA. Is the film interesting? Yes. No.B. Where is the restaurant?. Its next to the park. Its near Dongfang street.(2) Ss listen and read by themselves. Underline the words or the sentences they dont understand.(3) Do you understand?A. What an interesting film! B. Where is the restaurant?C. How can we get there? D. Turn left at the bookstore.(4) Listen again and answer the questions.A. Who is hungry? B. Does Mike like pizza?C. How can they get to the Italian restaurant?(5) Listen and read after the tape. Ss imitate. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(6) Ss read it in groups.Step 3 : ConsolidationPlay and act (用熱身活動呈現(xiàn)在黑板上的地圖)e.g. S1: I want to go to the science museum. Where is it? S2: Its next to the bookstore.S1: How can I get there? S2: Go to the street. Turn left at the 2. Do workbookStep 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue to your partner .2. Copy the sentences 4 times: How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore.3. Make a map , use the sentences we have learnt and talk about it.Blackboard:What an interesting film!hungrypizzaItalian restaurantDongfang streetbookstorehospitalturn leftturn rightUnit1 How can I get there?How can we get there?theyI he/ sheTurn left/ right at the .教學反思:第5課時教學內容:Unit 1 Part B Read and write & Tips for pronunciation,教學目標:1. Can listen, read and say the words: map, pass, GPS, stars, feature, far, tell, gave, follow and can use these words to express where the place is: behind, beside, in front of.2. Can listen, read, say and recite Where the place is and answer it.3、Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstances 教學重點:1. Can listen, read and say the words: map, pass, GPS, stars, feature, far, tell, gave, follow and can use these words to express where the place is: behind, beside, in front of.2. Can listen, read, say and recite “Robin has GPS”.教學難點:Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstances教具準備: Tape,pictures教學過程:Step 1: warm-up1. Play a game: listen and do.(review the words: go straight, turn left, turn right) 2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school)3. Lets talk according the mapA: I want to go to the . How can I get there?B: Turn right/ left at the . The is next to / behind /in front of Step2: Presentation1. Teach: map, pass, GPS, starsT: If we get lost. What should we do? What can we use?Ss: We can use map. / We can see stars.T: Yeah, we also can use pass in the past. Ss read: pass.T: But now we can use GPS to fine our way quickly. Ss read GPST: Where can we see GPS? Ss: in the car./on the phoneT: We also can use it on the robots.2. Teach: a new feature.T: What can robot do? S1: He can do housework.T: Look, this robot has GPS. So he has a new feature.Ss read: a new feature.Ss learn to say: He has a new feature.3. Listen to “Part B Read and write”.(1)You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? Listen and choose.Ss listen and choose. T checks and let Ss to read the words.(2) Listen again and underline the words we cant understand itgave, follow me, far, my new GPS works. tell(3) listen again and order.( ) turn left at the bookstore.( ) behind the hospital( ) in front of the cinema( ) a restaurant4. Read the text and answer the questions(1) Whats Robins new feature?(2) How many places did they pass by?(3) Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,起作用”?5. Read the text in groups.6. Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They _ and _ . they _ and then turn right again.7. Can you read? ( Tips for pronunciation)Step 3 : Consolidation1.Play a game: Where is it? (act a robot has GPS)Group 1 and 2: write the name of places 1Group 3 and 4 : write the name of places 2Group 3: write: beside, in front of E.g. : The hospital is next to the cinema2. Do workbookStep 4:Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the text .2. Copy the new words 4 times.Blackboard:Unit1 How can I get there?Where is the ?Its next to/ near / in front of/ .map GPS pass stars feature gave far tell follow教學反思:第6課時教學內容:Unit 1 Part B Lets check, Lets wrap it up & Part C Story time教學目標:1. Can listen, read and say the words: tasty, London Eye, Thames, stomach, hurt, way, portion, finally and can use these words to express it.2. Can use the sentences : Where the place is and answer it: turn right/ left, go straight, its next to3、Ss can use the words and sentences in real circumstances 4. Can understand the contents about the story time.教學重點:1. Can listen, read and say the words: tasty, London Eye, Thames, stomach, hurt, way, finally and c


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    <menu id="plx27"></menu><menuitem id="plx27"><thead id="plx27"><input id="plx27"></input></thead></menuitem>
  • <label id="plx27"><code id="plx27"></code></label>
    <label id="plx27"><button id="plx27"></button></label>