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    高中英語 Unit1 lifestyles課件 北師大版必修1.ppt

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    高中英語 Unit1 lifestyles課件 北師大版必修1.ppt

    Unit 1 Lifestyles,Module 1,1. notuntil直到才 (位于句首時,句子/主句要采取部分倒裝) I didnt know about it until you told me. 在你告訴我之前,我對此一無所知。 。,句型探究,It was not untilthat是強調(diào)句式。 It was not until yesterday that I noticed it. 直到昨天我才注意到這件事。 until用于肯定句表示“直到”,主句謂 語動詞用延續(xù)性動詞。 Shes worked as a nurse until past her sixtieth birthday. 她當護士一直到過了她的60歲生日。,句型探究,依境活用,stayed,didnt leave,1.我一直待在那里直到他回來。 I _ there until he came back. I _there until he came back.,2. As soon as I hear my alarm clock, I jump out of my bed.鬧鐘一響, 我立刻跳下床。 as soon as 一就, 連接時間狀語從句, 表示主從句的兩個動作緊接著發(fā)生。當主句使 用一般將來時, 祈使句句式或含有情態(tài)動詞表 將來時, 從句使用一般現(xiàn)在時。 Ill call you as soon as I get home from work. 我一回家就會給你打電話。,句型探究,與as soon as用法相似的詞或短語 on/upon sth./doing sth.on hearing the news 一聽到那個消息 the moment / the instant / the second / the minute / immediately作連詞, 連接 時間狀語從句,知識遷移,I will always raise my goals _. 目標達到后我總是再定一個更高的目標。 2. The child went to sleep _. 這孩子頭一沾枕頭就睡著了。 3. Well check into it and call you back _ . 我們會調(diào)查這件事情并且盡快給你回電。,依境活用,as soon as they are attained,as soon as he touched the pillow,as soon as possible,3. 比較下列四個句型: It takes sb.to do sth. sb. spends sth. on sth. / in doing sth. sth. costs sb. sth. sb. pays some money for sth. 以上四個句型都表示: 某人在某件事上花費時間和精力。,句型探究,It took her three hours to mend her bicycle. 她花了3個小時修她的自行車。 Some students spent many hours chatting on- line everyday. 有些學生每天花好幾個小時在網(wǎng)上聊天。 Your crime will cost you your life. 你的罪行將使你失去生命。 I paid 10 for the book. 我付了10美元買這本書。,句型探究,從以上的例子不難得出: 當表示花費的時候,各自的主語不同: take 表示“花費”,用it作主語,表示“花費精力、 時間“ ; spend表示“花費“,人作主語,表示“花費時間、 精力“ ; cost表示“花費“,物作主語,一般表示“花錢“ 。 pay表示“付費“ ,人作主語,表示“付錢“ 。,句型探究,那幅油畫花了我200元。 _ 2. 我用了一周的時間讀完了哈里·波特這本小說。 _ _,依境活用,That oil painting cost me 200 yuan.,It took me one week to read through the novel of Harry Potter.,4. But I try to work hard so that I can make more money for them. 但是我試著努力工作以便能為他們掙更多的錢。 so that可引導目的狀語從句和結果狀語從句。 它引導目的狀語從句時,從句謂語常由can, could, may, might等構成;如果從句為否定結 構,則謂語常由should構成。,句型探究,I studied hard so that I could get high marks in the coming examination. 我努力學習以便能夠在即將到來的考試中獲得 高分。 He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him. 他戴了一個面具,以便沒有人能夠認出他。,句型探究,在這個句型中,that可以引導表示目的或結果的從句。當so位于句首時,主句采用部分倒裝語序。,知識遷移,She is so short that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. =So short is she that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. 她太矮了, 夠不到電梯的按鈕。, 名詞前有many, much, few, little等詞修 飾,表示“多”或“少”的概念時,用so而不 用such修飾。 She ordered so much food that we couldnt eat it up. 她點了那么多的菜我們都吃不了了。, so+adj.+a(n)=such+a(n)+adj.+n. It was so interesting a book that I couldnt put it down. =It was such an interesting book that I couldnt put it down. 這本書是如此有趣以至于我愛不釋手。,5. Is it a good idea to do voluntary work? 做志愿者工作是好主意嗎? 當動詞不定式(短語)、動名詞(短語)或者從句作句子的主語時, 通常用it來作形式主語代替它們, 而將真正的主語放在后面, 以保持句子結構的平衡。,句型探究,It is difficult to complete the mission on my own.獨立完成這項使命是很難的。(真正的主語是to complete the mission on my own) It surprised me a bit that she didnt make a response to my letter.她沒給我回信令我有點兒驚訝。(真正的主語是that引導的從句) It is no use arguing with him about it. 跟他辯論此事是沒有用處的。(真正的主語是arguing with him about it),句型探究,1. _ to wear more clothes tomorrow? 明天有必要添加衣服嗎? 2. _ that he will climb to the mountain top in two hours? 他有可能在兩小時內(nèi)爬到山頂嗎? 3. _ surfing on the Internet. 上網(wǎng)是很讓人興奮的。,依境活用,Is it necessary,Is it possible,It is exciting,6. We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have. 我們不和城市的辦公室工作人員一樣擁有同樣的工作時間。 the samethat這個句型的意思是“與同樣”,that引導定語從句,它與先行詞所指代的是同一個人或事。,句型探究,This is the same book that I lost yesterday. 這就是我昨天丟失的那本書。 He is the same man that we met yesterday. 他就是昨天我們遇見的那個人。,句型探究,the sameas 和一樣,和相同,知識遷移,I shall do it in the same way as you did. 我將用你用過的同樣的方法去做這件事。,如何寫好簡單句 由一個主語和一個謂語動詞所組成的句子是簡單句。謂語動詞有及物動詞、不及物動詞和連系動詞之分。正是謂語動詞的特點決定著句子的不同結構。學習這些基本句型要從動詞入手,因為不同類型的動詞要求不同的句型。根據(jù)各類動詞的不同結構,簡單句分為以下五種基本類型:,1主語謂語(S Vi.) 這種句型簡稱為主謂結構,其謂語一般都是不及物動詞。 Things change. 事物是變化的。 2主語連系動詞表語(SV. P) 這種句型稱為主系表結構,其實連系動詞在形式上也是一種謂語動詞。 She became a lawyer. 她當了律師。,3主語謂語賓語(SVt. O) 這種句型可稱為主謂賓結構,它的謂語一般多是及物動詞。 We never beat children. 我們從來不打孩子。 4主語謂語間接賓語直接賓語(SVt. IODO) 這種句型可稱為主謂賓賓結構,其謂語應是可帶雙賓語的及物動詞,兩個賓語一個是間接賓語,一個是直接賓語。,He gave the book to his sister. 他把這本書給了他的妹妹。 5主語謂語賓語賓補(S Vt.OOC) 這種句型可簡稱為主謂賓補結構,其補語是賓語補足語,與賓語一起即構成復合賓語。 I found the book easy. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這本書不難。,一、連詞成句 1.happened, an, on the road, accident, just now _ 2.nor, he, speak, can, French, neither, English _ 3.English teacher, to, sent, we, flowers, the, on Teacher's Day, some _,An accident happened on the road just now.,He can speak neither English nor French.,We sent some flowers to the English teacher on Teacher's Day,4.I, fast, felt, my, beating, very, heart _ 5.felt, fell, she, very, and, in the chair, tired, asleep _,She felt very tired and fell asleep in the chair.,I felt my heart beating very fast.,二、翻譯下列句子 1.她昨天回家很晚。 _ 2.他們成功地完成了計劃。 _ 3.這話聽起來有道理。 _,They have carried out the plan successfully.,She went home very late yesterday evening.,These words sound reasonable.,4.奶奶昨晚給我講了一個有趣的故事。 _ 5.我要請人把我的錄音機修理一下。 _,I'll get my recorder mended.,Grandma told me an interesting story last night.,


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