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    ,Chinese Dietary Culture,China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. 中國地域遼闊,民族眾多,因此各種中國飲食口味不同,卻都味美,令人垂涎,Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines : 中國飲食可以大致分為八大地方菜系 :,Shandong Cuisine 山東菜系,Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系,Cantonese food 廣東菜系,Fujian Cuisine 福建菜系,Jiangsu Cuisine 江蘇菜系,ZheJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系,Hunan cuisine 湖南菜系,Anhui Cuisine 安徽菜系,魯菜 lucai,Shandong is the birthplace of many famous ancient scholars such as Confucious and Mencius. And much of Shandong cuisine's history is as old as Confucious himself, making it the oldest existing major cuisine in China. 山東是許多著名學(xué)者的故鄉(xiāng),例如孔夫子和孟子。許多山東菜的歷史和孔夫子一樣悠久,使得山東菜系成為中國現(xiàn)存的最古老的主要菜系之一。,Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山東菜系,由濟南菜系和膠東菜系組成,清淡,不油膩,以其香,鮮,酥,軟而聞名。因為使用青蔥和大蒜做為調(diào)料,山東菜系通常很辣。山東菜系注重湯品。清湯清澈新鮮,而油湯外觀厚重,味道濃重。濟南菜系擅長炸,烤,煎,炒,而膠東菜系則以其烹飪海鮮的鮮淡而聞名。,目錄頁 (設(shè)計好之后可以刪掉這個文本框哦),Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系 Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany, producing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China. 四川菜系,是世界上最著名的中國菜系之一。四川菜系以其香辣而聞名,味道多變,著重使用紅辣椒,搭配使用青椒和prickly ash,產(chǎn)生出經(jīng)典的刺激的味道。此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被應(yīng)用于烹飪過程中。野菜和野禽常被選用為原料,油炸,無油炸,腌制和文火燉煮是基本的烹飪技術(shù)。沒有品嘗過四川菜的人不算來過中國。,目錄頁 (設(shè)計好之后可以刪掉這個文本框哦),粵菜 yuecai,Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. The majority of overseas Chinese people are from Guangdong (Canton) so Cantonese is perhaps the most widely available Chinese regional cuisine outside of China. 廣東菜源自于中國最南部的省份廣東省。大多數(shù)華僑來自廣東,因此廣東菜也許是國外最廣泛的中國地方菜系。,Cantonese are known to have an adventurous palate, able to eat many different kinds of meats and vegetables. In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. 廣東人熱衷于嘗試用各種不同的肉類和蔬菜。事實上,中國北方人常說,廣東人吃天上飛的,除了飛機;地上爬的,除了火車;水里游的,除了船兒。,閩菜 Min Cuisine,閩菜是福建菜的簡稱,起源于福建省閩侯縣,以福州、泉州、廈門等地菜肴為代表發(fā)展起來。由于福建的地理形勢倚山傍海,北部多山,南部面海,山區(qū)盛產(chǎn)菇、筍、銀耳、蓮子和石鱗、河鰻、甲魚等山珍野味。漫長的淺海灘涂,盛產(chǎn)多種海鮮,因此,閩菜多以海鮮為原料烹制各式菜肴。其特點是色調(diào)美觀,滋味清鮮。 、,M i n C u i s i n e i s s h o r t f o r F u j i a n C u i s i n e , o r i g i n a t i n g i n M i n h o u C o u n t y o f F u j i a n P r o v i n c e , r e p r e s e n t e d b y t h e d i s h e s o f F u z h o u , Q u a n z h o u , X i a m e n a n d s o o n . F u j i a n i s m o u n t a i n o u s i n t h e n o r t h a n d f a c e s t h e s e a i n t h e s o u t h . T h e m o u n t a i n o u s a r e a i s a b u n d a n t i n m u s h r o o m s , b a m b o o s h o o t s , w h i t e f u n g u s , l o t u s , s t o n e s q u a m a , e e l , s o f t - s h e l l e d t u r t l e s a n d s o o n . I n t h e l o n g s h a l l o w s e a c o a s t , t h e r e a r e n u m e r o u s s e a c r e a t u r e s . H e n c e , t h e F u j i a n C u i s i n e h a s m a n y s e a f o o d d i s h e s , c o l o r f u l , l i g h t a n d t a s t y.,淮揚菜 huaiyang cuisine,Jiangsu Cuisine, also called Huaiyang Cuisine, is popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. Aquatics as the main ingredients, it stresses the freshness of materials. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, simmering, etc. 江蘇菜,又叫淮陽菜,流行于在淮陽湖下流。以水產(chǎn)作為主要原料,注重原料的鮮味。其雕刻技術(shù)十分珍貴,其中瓜雕尤其著名。,Jiangsu cuisine is well known for its careful selection of ingredients, its meticulous preparation methodology, and its not-too-spicy, not-too-bland taste. Since the seasons vary in climate considerably in Jiangsu, the cuisine also varies throughout the year. If the flavor is strong, it isn't too heavy; if light, not too bland. 淮陽菜的特色是淡,鮮,甜,雅。江蘇菜系以其精選的原料,精細的準(zhǔn)備,不辣不溫的口感而出名。因為江蘇氣候變化很大,江蘇菜系在一年之中也有變化。味道強而不重,淡而不溫。,Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three.,浙江菜系由杭州菜,寧波菜,紹興菜,組成,不油膩,以其菜肴的鮮,柔,滑,香而聞名。杭州菜是這三者中最出名的一個。,Hunan cuisine consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau. It characterizes itself by thick and pungent flavor. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.,湖南菜系由湘江地區(qū),洞亭湖和湘西的地方菜肴組成。它以其極辣的味道為特色。紅辣椒,青辣椒和青蔥在這一菜系中的必備品,徽菜 Hui Cuisine,徽菜即安徽風(fēng)味,一百年前曾蜚聲全中國,據(jù)說當(dāng)年的徽菜館排場相當(dāng)大,一色的紅木家具透著富甲一方的豪氣。但在現(xiàn)代餐飲業(yè)的激烈競爭中,徽菜卻悄然沒落了,如果不是到黃山旅游,外地人已很難品嘗到正宗的徽菜。安徽地處華東腹地,氣候溫和雨量適中,四季分明,糧、油、蔬、果品質(zhì)優(yōu)良;皖南山區(qū)和大別山區(qū)盛產(chǎn)茶葉、竹筍、香菇、木耳、板栗、山藥、石雞、甲魚等。其境內(nèi)的長江、淮河流域和巢湖地區(qū)又是中國淡水魚的重要產(chǎn)區(qū),水產(chǎn)豐富,為徽菜的形成和發(fā)展提供了良好的物質(zhì)基礎(chǔ)。,Hui Cuisine refers to Anhui Cuisine, which was famed throughout China a hundred years ago, and, as the story goes, the restaurants of Anhui at that time were large, with the uniform rosewood furniture showing a rich heroic spirit. However, in the fierce competition of the modern catering industry, it quietly declined, and, if one does not travel to the Yellow Mountain, it is now difficult to taste the authentic Anhui Cuisine elsewhere. Anhui has a mild climate and moderate rainfall and four distinct seasons as well as high-quality grains, oil, vegetables and fruit. The mountainous areas of south Anhui and the Dabieshan,1.讓客人和長輩先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first,2.不要用筷子敲碗 don't use the chopsticks hit the bowl,3.不要將手伸到飯桌對面夾菜 don't reach to get the food on the opposite side,4.等大家到齊了,才開始吃 don't eat until everyone is there,5.為主人的長壽、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner,In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someones home. Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits.,The customs surrounding Chinese tables manners is ingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. Failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way.,同其他國家文化一樣,在中國, 無論是在餐館還是在家, 用餐時也有很多禁忌。適當(dāng)了解一 些中國的餐桌禮儀, 不僅能讓你更加入鄉(xiāng)隨俗,融入其中,而且能讓別人注意到你,而不是 你特別的用餐習(xí)慣。,有些餐桌禮儀是隨著傳統(tǒng)延續(xù)下來的, 是決不能違反的。 如果不了解這些餐桌禮儀并且破壞 了這些規(guī)矩,到時可能得罪廚師,掃興而歸哦。,thank you !,


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